Santy Giuliano
Santy Giuliano
Santy Giuliano was born in Oberhausen, Germany in 1963. There she spent a part of her childhood, then later moved and settled with her family in Northern Italy. In 1995, after many years of experience in business, Santy Giuliano relocated to the United States where she expanded her experience in international communication. Following twenty years of experience, she distinguishes herself by promoting musical events, diverse seminars, and conferences. She collaborates as an interpreter for journalistic and medical fields. Her cheery attitude and enthusiasm continues to grow along with her want to deepen the mix of Italian-American culture. Thanks to her experience in international business, Santy Giuliano became the CEO of Global Vip 3000. Santy’s many past recollections stirred in her a new image as a writer. Everyday she sets sail on a voyage inside her soul, expressing her sensations, and what ifs. “Writing is fascinating,” she says, “it is a world that longs to be seen and interpreted.” Santy Giuliano is an Italian-American writer. She resides in Chicago with her husband and family.
Viviamo in un’era dove la tecnologia e’ uno strumento fantastico, ma molte volte pilotiamo la nostra vita e i nostri rapporti sociali e personali con un mouse. La nostra vita e’ travolta da questa rivoluzione digitale tanto che ormai non ci muoviamo piu’ fisicamente, basta cliccare un tasto e via! Pare che anche gli affetti vengano letti, giudicati e valutati secondo l’espressione dei punti e le virgole che inseriamo tra le parole. Con tutto lo sforzo che faremo non potremo mai piu’ fermare o cambiare questo stile di vita, piu’ si andra’ avanti e meno tempo ci sara’ per i contatti umani. Saremo tutti in mano ad un computer, per quanto minuscolo possa essere ma sara’ pur sempre un computer. Il guardarsi negli occhi sara’ un’optional… perche’ ormai l’evoluzione ci ha strappati dalla nostra vita stessa.
Santy Giuliano